Our culture strongly associates dentures with senior citizens. The problem with this idea is that tooth loss can happen to anyone! If you’re young and need to replace the gaps in your smile with a dental prosthetic, dentures are for you too. Thanks to modern technology, they’ve truly become a fantastic replacement solution for all ages. Still need proof? Keep reading for some concrete reasons you’ll want to consider this option.
Dentures Will Help with Comfort and Function
Missing teeth aren’t just an aesthetic headache. Awkward gaps can make eating, talking, and even resting your bite uncomfortable – not to mention difficult! Whether you need full or partial dentures, your dentist can customize a set that fills in these gaps quite snuggly. That means no more fumbling around in the middle of conversations or a meal!
The Tooth-Like Material Will Improve Your Quality of Life
Obviously dental function is important, but aesthetic headaches shouldn’t be downplayed. Rifts in your smile can affect your confidence, especially if you’re young and not “supposed” to have missing teeth. But smiling is a simple and powerful gesture – no one should be afraid to show their teeth! Fortunately, modern dentures are incredibly tooth-like in color, size, and shape. Even with a partial set, no one will know you’re wearing a prosthetic.
Dentures Can Help You in The Moment and The Future
You’re not the only one who can feel the gap in your dental line-up. Your teeth are reacting too, slowly but surely. They’re shifting to compensate for your dental divide, but as you might be aware, your pearly whites can only move so much. Over time, your mouth could appear crowded or pinched as your teeth lean into uncomfortable alignments.
That’s why dentists are so keen on replacing dental gaps with prosthetics such as dentures. They prevent your teeth from rearranging. It’s in the best interest of your comfort and oral health to fill in voids as soon as possible, no matter how old you are.
Check Out Your Treatment Options with Your Dentist
Much like human beings, dental technology is constantly changing and improving. We’ve already mentioned that modern dentures are pretty close to real teeth, but there are other advancements that make them a sophisticated option for modern patients.
For example, thanks to dental implants, your dentist can reinforce a set of dentures with titanium posts. In All-on-4’s, these posts anchor a full denture to your jawbone for enhanced stability and comfort. Basically, if you have missing teeth, don’t hesitate to consult with your dentist about your replacement options. There’s more available than you might think!
Patients of all ages should be able to enjoy their smile and oral function. With recent improvements, you can be rest assured that dentures aren’t only “for the old folk”.
About the Practice
Drs. Kenneth Endres and Gunveen Chawla are proud to serve Granby and neighboring areas at Salmon Brook Dental. They know it’s important for you to feel comfortable during your visit. That’s why they go out of their way to welcome you in and make sure you’re confident in your treatment plan. You can be sure of a judgement-free consultation! If you’re considering dentures or are wondering what your dental replacement options are, give Dr. Endres and Dr. Chawla a call at 860-653-4551. They’ll be happy to help!