Salmon Brook Dental Blog

Boost Your Oral Health by Eating These 4 Holiday Foods in Moderation

December 16, 2020

family sitting around a table enjoying holiday foods

The holidays are here, which means that you’re going to be tempted by a table full of delicious homemade sweets, stuffing, and a variety of other treats that you only get to eat once a year. To look after your oral health, you don’t have to completely avoid eating these delicious foods, but it is a good idea to be mindful of how often you munch on them throughout the season. Read on to learn the top four holiday foods that can affect your oral health and why you shouldn’t eat them as frequently as you normally would.


4 Tips for Understanding Your Dental Insurance

November 7, 2020

dental insurance paperwork on clipboard at Granby dentist's office

You pay for your dental insurance every month and you know it’s important, but do you understand how it works? Many people don’t fully know how dental insurance benefits work, and as a result, end up delaying or overpaying for their dental care. In fact, studies estimate that Americans leave thousands of dollars of unused dental benefits on the table every year! Thankfully, learning about the basics of how dental insurance works can help you make the best choices for your smile and your wallet. Here are four practical tips for understanding how dental insurance works.


How to Stop Bad Breath in Its Tracks

October 16, 2020

Woman with bad breath

If you’re suffering from chronic halitosis, you certainly aren’t alone. Over 80 million Americans also deal with this issue. Most of the time, it originates from bacteria of the gums and tongue. This can be frustrating to seal with and even embarrassing. Fortunately, there are ways that you can lessen and eliminate bad breath in its tracks. Your dentist shares the best ways that you can keep your smile smelling fresh.


What You Should Know Before Getting Braces as an Adult

September 15, 2020

a young woman standing outside and smiling wide as she shows off her traditional braces

No matter if you’re a working professional, stay-at-home parent, or college student, achieving a straighter, healthier smile is important. Whether it is because you want to make a great first impression, want to look your best at your cousin’s wedding next year, or you simply want to feel better about the way you look, there are ways in which you can go about receiving orthodontic treatment that is safe and effective. Read on to hear from a dentist in Granby who shares a few useful tips to keep in mind when preparing to wear braces as an adult


6 Ways to Manage Sleep Apnea Symptoms at Home

August 10, 2020

Snoring man who should try sleep apnea remedies at home

Sleep apnea is an irritating and dangerous condition that causes you to stop breathing for short periods of time while you’re sleeping. Not only does this disrupt your sleep cycle and keep you from getting the rest you need, but it can trigger mental health issues, hinder the immune system, and increase risk of serious health problems like heart disease and memory loss. While sleep apnea is best treated by your doctor or dentist, there are a few simple lifestyle changes you can make to lessen the severity of your symptoms. Read on as your Granby dentist shares six at-home sleep apnea remedies that can help you rest easier every night.  


Do Invisalign Clear Aligners Hurt?

July 9, 2020

Woman with Invisalign in Granby, CT

A common question that many people ask when they are considering Invisalign in Granby, CT is whether or not the clear aligners cause pain.  Even though Invisalign isn’t completely free from discomfort, it is not as intense as regular braces. But how much does it hurt? Is the discomfort worth it in order to have a straightened smile? Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect from Invisalign and what you can do to alleviate any pain that you may feel from it.


Keeping Clean Hands: How Dental Professionals Practice Hand Hygiene During COVID-19

May 12, 2020

Emergency dentist in Granby, CT washing hands

Excellent hand hygiene is one of the most powerful tools you have in the fight to slow the spread of COVID-19. The virus can live on surfaces for hours, so it’s vital to wash your hands well and often. As important as it is for you to be washing your hands, it’s even more crucial for medical professionals who have to provide safe, sterile care for their patients. Fortunately for patients, excellent hand hygiene has always been a staple of dental practices. Read on to find out what your emergency dentist in Granby, CT does to keep their hands completely disinfected for your treatment.


COVID-19: When Will Connecticut’s Quarantine End?

March 31, 2020

empty city streets

Last month, Connecticut’s governor issued stay-at-home orders, and many people aren’t exactly sure what that entails. Countless businesses have temporarily shut their doors in an effort to flatten the curve and protect their community, including your dentist in Granby, CT. Many people are wondering: “How long will this last?”, and “What am I allowed to do while these orders are in place?” Read on to learn more about Connecticut’s stay-at-home orders and how they’ll impact your daily life.


Taking Care of Your Smile While the Dentist is Closed: 5 Important Tips

March 29, 2020

Bamboo toothbrushes sitting in cup on shelf

Two dental checkups every year, one every six months – you probably learned at an early age that that’s the best way to keep your smile clean and cavity-free. As such, it’s natural to be concerned when you don’t know for sure when your next dental appointment will be. Due to health concerns involving COVID-19, your dentist in Granby is likely only accepting emergency appointments right now. If you want to keep your teeth and gums free of decay and disease until your next appointment, follow these 5 tips for a thorough clean.
