If you’re considering Invisalign, you probably know its effectiveness as a treatment. In roughly a year, aligning trays can discretely correct your bite and straighten your teeth. Even so, you may be concerned that aligners would change your speech. After all, the ability to speak clearly is an essential part of daily life; you wouldn’t want your trays getting in the way. That said, it’s easy to overcome this issue. Read on to learn how Invisalign could affect your speech and tips for speaking well with it.
(more…)Salmon Brook Dental Blog
How Have Dentures Evolved Over the Years?
July 13, 2022
If you rely on dentures, you might believe these prosthetics are a recent invention. In fact, given their effectiveness, it’s easy to think they were made by some scientist in just the last century or so. However, false teeth have actually been around for thousands of years. It’s only in more recent times that they’ve become the restorations they are today. As proof, here’s a summary that explains the evolution of dentures.
(more…)Answering the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign
June 11, 2022
Are you unhappy with your smile because of crooked and misaligned teeth? Your situation isn’t hopeless! Invisalign has become one of the go-to treatments for patients who desire a straighter and healthier smile. That said, you might have questions about the treatment process that need to be answered before you feel like committing to it. Keep reading to learn the answers to some of the most frequently asked Invisalign questions.
(more…)How To: Use Your Invisalign Cleaning Crystals
June 4, 2022
Invisalign has taken the world of modern dentistry by storm and has helped 12 million patients and counting achieve a healthier and straighter smile. If you’ve just jumped on the Invisalign bandwagon yourself, congratulations! You’re one step closer to the smile of your dreams—but only if your treatment is a success! And part of Invisalign’s success is dependent on your ability to keep your trays clean and resilient. Keep reading to learn more about how to use Invisalign cleaning crystals to do this and ensure that your trays remain discreet and effective.
(more…)Tips for Surviving Cold & Flu Season with Invisalign
May 18, 2022
Taking proper care of yourself isn’t always an easy task, especially during cold & flu season! The decrease in temperature usually means an increase in the number of germs and bacteria floating around that spread illnesses. But luckily, there are many preventive measures you can take to ensure that you remain healthy and vital. And for people undergoing Invisalign treatment this is particularly important, as your trays can act as vehicles for bacteria if you aren’t careful! Here are four tips from your dentist to help you survive this cold & flu season if you’re undergoing Invisalign treatment.
(more…)Tips for Meeting Your 22-Hour Wear Time with Invisalign
May 5, 2022
If you’ve just started your Invisalign treatment, congratulations! A straighter and healthier smile is on the horizon for you—that is, assuming you wear your aligners often! Even though Invisalign can effectively treat your crooked and compromised smile, the process is entirely dependent on your willingness to wear your aligners for 22 hours every day. But why is this 22-hour rule so important, and how can you ensure that you meet your mandatory wear time? Keep reading to learn more!
(more…)Can Invisalign Fix My Bite Problems?
April 4, 2022
If you suffer from an overbite, an underbite, or any other type of bite problem, you might be wondering about your possible treatment options. If you’ve heard about Invisalign, you probably associate the clear, removable aligners with correcting crooked teeth; but they have other applications too! Over the years, Invisalign has seen many advancements and is now an effective and comfortable solution for patients with bite problems. Keep reading to learn more!
(more…)What Should You Learn During National Sleep Awareness Week?
March 13, 2022
Did you know that March 13 to 19 is National Sleep Awareness Week? There is no better time than now to learn about sleep apnea, a dangerous disorder that can prevent you from getting the quality rest your body needs. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, over 20 million Americans are affected by sleep apnea each year. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about this common condition and how your dentist can help.
(more…)5 Tips for Finding the Best Invisalign Provider for You
March 2, 2022
Over 12 million people worldwide have used Invisalign clear aligners to transform their smiles. Will you be next? While there are plenty of dental professionals that offer orthodontic treatment, it’s important to find the right Invisalign provider for you. After all, when it comes to your smile, there is no room for error. Keep reading to discover five tips for finding the best Invisalign provider.
(more…)Lost a Dental Filling? Don’t Panic, Do This Instead
November 17, 2021
You were taking a hike with some friends along Salmon Brook when you bit into an apple and your world came crashing down. Or at least it felt like that. There, sticking out of the fruit, was a piece of a past dental filling! What do you do when you’ve lost a dental filling? If you run into a dental emergency like this, there are a few sound action steps you should take as soon as possible.